Bastille Day

July 14, 2017

Happy Bastille Day! We're at it again. With our favorite bartender Robert. Bahira, Mandella, Fara'Asha and Shiva. And a special shout-out to Adira cuz Mandella is wearing her blue & red hair bows.

Shiva & Mandella getting ready for tonight.
Shiva all checked out and ready to meet up with the girls.
Mandella appreciating her drink at the bar, proudly showing off her bows from Adira Dance and Costume.
Shiva says, "Who me? Why of course you can take my picture."
Mandella, Shiva and Bahira anxiously await Fara'Asha's arrival.
...and her she is -- Fara'Asha with Bahira proudly representing Bastille Day in classic casual style slacks.
Shiva & Mandella pictured wearing skirts in traditional Bastille style.
Being together with fun and laughter is simpy the best!
The Nambah Girls snuggling up for a pose with our Robert.
Cheers to Robert -- always helping to make our GNO's memorable.

Happy Bastille Day everyone! Thanks for joining us again for another fabulous GNO.