Middle Eastern
December 30, 2017
For Shiva's birthday, she chose Middle Eastern as the GNO theme.
Our group shot at the bar -- we're all smiles. Happy Birthday Shiva!
Yes, we'll take a little ham with our meal please.
The birthday cake has arrived.
Bahira & Shiva smile at the added beauty to that cake. Even the candles match Shiva's outfit!
OK. Shiva is gearing up to blow out her birthday candles...
Inhale, and...
Blow! Here's to ALL of your wishes coming true. Yay.
...and Mandella sneaks behind the bar... "How you doing girls?"
"Now, can I get ya anything else?"
Bahira in royal Turkish vestments.
Fabulous Fara'Asha front view...
...and side view. Stunning.
Mandella sparkling in her Black & Silver Middle Eastern attire.
...and Birthday Girl Shiva. She's got it all! Ta Da