Valentine's Day

February 14, 2018

Love our Girls Night Out. Valentine's Day theme. With Bahira, Mandella & Shiva. We miss you Fara'Asha and Robert Maldonado.

Bahira, Mandella & Shiva are all smiles at the bar -- ready to start our Valentine's Day celebration.
Showing off our fashionable full lips.
Bahira covers her eyes when Mandella & Shiva start their antics.
Then, "What the heck, Bahira is all in!"
We see nothing but fun and happiness through these Glasses of Love!
Our bartender Rick. Always takes time to smell the flowers.
Mandella catching a dream.
Shiva's is always a Dream Come True.
...Got to have a couch pose, for goodness sakes!
Shiva looking elegant as ever.
Mandella's full Valentine's Day costume!
...and Shiva's Fabulous Full Frontal!