
September 22, 2019

Tonight’s theme in honor of my birthday: Renaissance Fantasy at our favorite bar. (We always get compliments for our efforts from the patrons there!)

The whole gang out did ourselves yet again!
Queen Elizabeth arrived and ordered the dinner served.
Which the kitchen wench obliged.
Then the birthday cake was served to Morgan la Fey
Gifts for the birthday girl.
The candle is playing music! What magic is this!
The Queen’s courtier arrived to escort her.
The wenches try to seduce Sir Richard.
Morgan la Fey tries her magic on Sir Richard, but he is loyal to his Love, The Queen.
The Queen and Morgan do battle! Who will win?
No bloodshed...All is forgiven. Friends once again!
This Renaissance piece is entitled, "The Portrait of Morgan La Fey."" Hummmm. What is the next plan? Halloween! Bahira's favorite time of the year!! Halloween/Day of the Dead is next!
This accompanying piece is entitled, "Profile Study of Morgan La Fey." Whose birthday is next? And what theme will it be?
Why, it’s Fara’Asha’s birthday next in November. She has chosen Gothic!
Mandella striking a sassy pose. What wench she be!
The Queen, Shiva, thinking of the future. How can she out do herself?
A Mead for All Seasons.
Raise a Toast to Bahira! Happy Birthday -- We Love You.