
April 20, 2024

The Nambahlicious ladies have pulled off another fabulous GNO on The Veranda: April 20, 2024. Welcome to Hillbilly Holler!!

The homestead is now open to the Publick. Ma and Pa have set up a small enterprise to keep the ‘ol’ farm running smoothly.
Public restroom available!
The beautiful cousins are ready to serve!
Gotta make moola somehow!
God does the dryin'.
Pa’s got his own enterprise going.
Guided tours available. (Now, don't let the brochure scare you off. The bear only attacked this customer the one time!)
Fresh (almost) Produce for sale.
Guarded by the barnyard feline.
A stage available for entertainin’.
Instruments provided.
Additional services available.
Belly Mae is in charge of stampin’ the temporal passports.
What will it be?
A picket fence, of course!!

The cousins all decide to get a hillbilly tattoo to honor just how “close” a family we are.

We tough! Cigarettes and moonshine.
Hot Gals!
A little more moonshine before the tattoo.
Love you cousin!
Ouch! That hurts!
Just a little more pain…
Tough lady (and I use that term lightly)!
That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!!
Just a little more.
United for ever!!

The shotgun wedding. Cousin Jethro showed up to take responsibility for his cousins’ conditions. A shotgun wedding!! Hooo Boy!!

What every hillbilly chick dreams of: gettin’ married!
Locked and loaded. Elly Mae gets the H&K 2024, Hick & Kock long double barrel shotgun ready for the nuptials!
Take yer positions!
You first, Belly Mae! -- I got cha covered!
Gotta have a puff for courage!
Man up Cousin Jethro. You about to get hitched to save yer Cousins’ reputations!
Bride number 1: Mandelly (in a family way) -- She holding him down tight -- he ain't goin' nowheres!
Bride Number 2: Belly Mae also in a family way.
Family wedding picture.
We love you Cousin Jethro!

Time for the post-wedding festivities.

Gonna have some good vittles after the musical performance.
Tune up that banjo, Mandelly!
Belly Mae on fiddle.
Elly Mae on jug.
Mandelly: Here’s how you do it!
Belly Mae: Let me try!
Tune that harmonica!
Like this?
The stage is ready.
Clear the field. There’s about to be a hoe down!!!’
A one, a two, and a three…
Elly Mae, Belly Mae, & Mandelly play their rendition of Dueling Banjos for yer enjoyment. Video forthcomin'.

The Vittles is here!

The appetizers: Salted sunflower seeds. Jethro will show you The Technique. Dip.
Spit out the shells! Ta da!
Possum Stew. Delish! We have plenty of tinned possum available.
Spam and Baked Beans! Mmmm!!!
Kreemed Korn!
Little buns. Two flavors.
Cornpone and Real Butter.
Tin plates for easy cleanup.
Sooooo gooooood!
Elly Mae serves herself.
Hillbilly Homemade Apple Pie by Mandelly. Omg. Delish.
Hillbilly Still Life.
Did I mention we have lots of Possum Stew available?
And also Homemade Moonshine.
Yum yum!
The Menu.
He gave his all for this dinner! RIP!
Fresh caught possum meat available on line.

Outhouse Rules. After all the drinkin’ eatin’ and funin’, a visit to the Outhouse is mandatory! But who goes first?

Outside the outhouse door.
Gotta read the rules first.
Hurry up, Belly Mae!!!
And don’t forget your complimentary can of possum stew!
Say “Howdy!” To the Beverly Hills family!
Time to take down the laundry.
All dry…
Even Granny’s gigantic brassiere!
…and Big Birtha’s britches.
Ma went Junkin’. Be back tomorrow. Ya’ll come back now, ya hear!!

Our Hillbilly GNO GLAM shots

Sporting our Tattoos in our Fields of Nature.
Belly Mae takin' another quick nip of Moonshine.
Mandelly checkin' the clothes line to see if her cousin's whitie-tidies are dry.
Elly Mae playin' a little ditty.
Cousin Jethro takes his Jug AND Moonshine Flask everywhere he goes.
Mandelly & Belly Mae out for a smoke in the fresh air (not fresh for long...he he).
The Nambahlicious Hillbilly Gals -- Elly Mae, Belly Mae & Mandelly -- keep a strummin' right along...until next month! See ya'll then!

Test comparing Possum with Dueling Banjos Videos

He gave his all for this dinner! RIP!
Fresh caught possum meat available on line.
A one, a two, and a three…
Elly Mae, Belly Mae, & Mandelly play their rendition of Dueling Banjos for yer enjoyment. Video forthcomin'.