Aztec, Inca, Maya -- The New World

May 25, 2024

A Special tribute to the indigenous peoples of the New World, especially Aztec, Inca and Maya. The Veranda was decked in colorful textiles, greenery and flowers to give color to those long ago cultures. A warm appreciation of the incredible achievements of these indigenous peoples is intended. Enjoy!!!

When The Europeans arrived on the shores of the New World they did not know what to expect.
The art was unique...
...And varied.
With magic The Veranda attempts to transform.
Colors abound with jungle flowers,
...with colorful textiles.
Wooden utensils
To capture the colorful ambience of the blooming jungles, mountains and plains.
Painted wood and pottery drinking vessels.
Tried to reflect the colors of nature.
This jacket is made from llama wool.
Our CD player (from the New World) gave us nature sounds and music to accompany our Nambah Adventures.

First Encounters.

The newcomers are welcomed to The Veranda with caution and tentative smiles.
A show of power to give pause.
A steely stare to ensure cooperation and respect.
A feast is prepared to welcome the Newcomers.
But first… sacred cactus fruit beverage is served... bring us all together.
You may pass!
But: The temporal passports must be stamped before continuing.
The llama approves.
You may now enter!!!

Reception and Acceptance

The King and Queen hold court,
and consult with the Priestess to determine the visitor’s status.
A cup of Ayahuaska always make the discussions become clearer.
Happy now!!
Where are we again?? (I'll tell you telepathically.....we must not let on about any diminishing capacity.)
Oh yeah, holding court about the Visitors.
The Gods approve.
Welcome to the table! Enjoy the fruits the Earth has to offer!

The New World Friendship Feast

The food is blessed by the King and Queen.
Chili Rellenos.
Toasted Pumpkin Seeds seasoned with achiote.
Round zucchini, stuffed with corn flavored with achiote.
salsa of tomato, peppers and onions.
Quinoa, the grain of the New World.
Tortilla chips and guacamole, plantain pancakes and grilled shrimps brought by runners from the coast to the mountains while still fresh.
Guinea pig (beef) and (pork) tacos served on banana leaf plates.
chayote salad (top) with our tacos.
Dive in!!
Taco meats and Chayote fruit salad (surprisingly sweet and tangy)!
The presentation of The Nambah News.
The latest edition outlining last time’s adventures.
And sweet potato bread with coffees for dessert. The chef tried to use indigenous ingredients wherever possible and similar substitutions where needed. The meal was scrumptious!!

After the Feast the tribe paid tribute to the Setting Sun thanking the gods for the bounties they have provided us.

Content after the Feast. A formal photo with full tummies.
Blessings bestowed.
Let us show our thanks... the Sun God especially. We have missed you greatly this rainy season.
Salutations to the Sun God for his gentle warmth and the growing gifts of plants.
Catching the last warm winds of the day.
K’inish Ajaw (Maya Sun God) you have blessed us greatly this day!
Please do it again tomorrow. We have missed you!
And let the Magic continue on The Veranda!
Only time will tell where we will go in the future!

Our New World GLAM Shots

The Gods Christened us Aqua and Jade. For the power of our blue & green eyes.
Using the sacred blessing of fire to warm the food.
Bahira, the Jade Goddess, reaching to the sun.
Jade and & water... From the power of our green and blue gaze.